NameSamuel P. Waddill
BirthDec 15, 1852
DeathOct 5, 1936, Richmond, VA
Misc. Notes
Article about death of Samuel P. Waddill: It is with heavy heart that thousands of us read yestereay of the death of SAMUEL PL WADDILL, who for sicsty-one years was clerk of Henrico Conty. Every fine quality that can enter into minor political office was his---integrity that no man ever challenged, accuracty that which no auditor could cavil, ceaseless attention to duty, copnstant courtesy to men of every station. All those who knew his work and his character drew a line between such rare publis servants as he, and the army of self-seekers in office. Happy would be the State that had had a permanent civil service compos4ed of S. P. WADDILLS. He had a most amazing knowledge of the history of Henrico, a knowledge sharpened by interest and strengthened by a ememory that neither lost nor confused fact. Again and again The News Leader besought him to write his momoirs. He was pleased at hte suggestion byt was never able to find time for the work. Now his unique store of information is foreer lost. It was much the same with Dr. William G. Stanard, long-time secretary of the Virginia Historical Sorciety. Mr. Stnaard edited many volumes of this society’s magazine, prepared some scores of genealoties, aided his distinquished wife in her writing, and published a few papers; but of the riches of his knowleged, acquired throguh many yuears of diligent reading, only a fragment is preserved. A noted commander once remarked of a dead lieutenant that he had never brought him a pience of false information. In thier smaller sphere we can say of Mr. WADDILL and of Dr. STANDARD that they never failed to know the answer to any historicl question of the hundreds The News Leader put to them throught the years. The loss of such men is irreplaeable.
Obituary Richmond Times Dispatch: tuesday, October 6, 1936 p. 20 S. P. Waddill Will be Buried This Afternoon. Veteran Court Clerk’s Funeral Will be at First Baptist. Samuel P. Waddill, dean of Virginia court clerks, who died at his home in Hampton Gardens early yesterday morning, will be buried in the family burial plot in Hollywood Cemetery this afternoon. The funeral services will be conducted at 3:30 o’clock at First Baptist Church by the pastor, the Rev. Theodore F. Adams. D. D. assisted by the Rev. F. W. Burham, D. D. pastor of Seventh Street Christian Church. The following will act as pallbearers: Mitchell Waddill, william G. Talley, Edward W. Christian, John C. Christian, M. W. Puller, A. B. McClung, James Franklin Waddill and D. Gardner Tyler Jr. There will be no honorary pallbearers. Was Prominent Mason - Mr. Waddill was one of the oldest members of the First Baptist Church and for many years served on the board of deacons. He was also prominent in Masonic affairs. He held membership in Richmond Lodge. No 10, and in Westhampton Lodge., No 303, A. F. & A. M.,, both of which will be represented at the funeral. Mr. Waddill was a past master of Westhampton Lodge. He served as clerk of Henrico Circuit Coiuurt more than 30 years, succeeding to that office after being in turn deputy clerk and clerk of Henrico County Court. He was connected with the office from the time he came here from Charles City County in 1871. During the World War he served the county as a member of the draft board.
BirthSep 20, 1864, Hillsborough In K&Q Co VA
DeathFeb 6, 1944, Richmond, VA