Misc. Notes
Called “Boss”.
Died from burns while sleeping alone in his burning dwelling.
25 Article on page 1 of the Richmond News Leader Jan. 31, 1912: KILLED AS HE JUMPS FROM FLAMES - Bernard Henley (name is spelled incorrectly in the article as Hanley) Perishes in King and Quen Fire Last Night. West Point, Va., Jan 31. - (special) - Bernard Henley, a prominent citizen of King and Queen conunt, was killed last night, when his home was destroyed by fire. He jumped from a window and was so badly hurt that he could not escape from the flames. Mr. Henley’s wife and child had been in Baltimore on a visist and did not know their lose until they arrive here this morning. They left immediately for Lestor Manor, from whcih this place they went to King and Queen county. Scores of neighbors went to the scene of the fire in ana effort to aid Mr. Henley and was soon as his body was found it was dragged from the debris. Little is known here as to how the fire occurred but it is supporsed to have been caused by a defective fire. No one but Mr. Henley was in the building at the time the fire occurred. Mr. Henley was about 45 years old. His home was a bbrick structure and was regarded as one of the best buildings in King and Queen County. Mr. Henley was a brother-in-lauw of Samuel P. Waddill - clerk of Henrico county. Mr. Waddill having married Mr. Henley’s sister. Obituary in Richmond Times Dispatch on Feb 1, 1912: HENLEY- died at his home in Walkerton, Val, Wednesday, January 21 (incorrect-it was 31) at 6:15 A. M. B. W. HENLEY. He leaves a widow and one daughter, four sisters, Mres. S. P. Waddill, Mrs. J. W. Ellyson of Richmond, and Mrs. Virginia Walker and Miss Betty Henley, and three brothers, Messers, C P. Henely, W. P. Henley and H. Henley. Funeral notice later.