NameMajor John Robert Bagby
BirthNov 13, 1826, Stevensville, VA
DeathMar 26, 1890
EducationColumbian College at Washington, DC
Misc. Notes
High in his class in college.
Successfully conducted a mercantile business in K&Q.
Several terms a magistrate in K&Q.
Colonel of the militia before the Civil War.
At the breaking-out of the war he raised a volunteer company known as the King and Queen artillery, and afterwards ad Company K, Thirty-fourth Virginia Infantry, which company he commanded until 1862, when he was made major of the above-mentioned regiment. He was conspicuous in the battle of Seven Pine, having his horse killed under him, and in several fights was known to kill one of his foes with his own pistol or gun. He was wounded arond Petersburg in the spring of 1965; from which he did not rcover for many months.
Highly esteemed by all that met him. His portrait adorns the walls of the K&Q Courthouse.